Stroke Awareness Month: 3 Steps to Manage Your Stroke Risk
May 10, 2024

May is National Stroke Awareness Month. We recognize this month each year because for many people, stroke awareness can be truly life-saving – someone in the US suffers a stroke every 40 seconds, and for these patients, timely treatment can mean the difference between successful recovery and long-term disability. That’s why it’s important for everyone to know their stroke risk and understand the warning signs.
As healthcare professionals, you have plenty of experience helping patients take care of their health – but it’s just as important to take care of your own. We are incredibly grateful for the hard work you do each day to care for our patients, support one another and advance our mission of making communities healthier. We want to remind you to take time for your own health, so that you can continue to be there for the people you love.
By taking steps to prevent stroke, and knowing how to recognize a stroke when it occurs, you can reduce your risk of stroke and help your patients do the same. Here’s how you can stay healthy:
Build healthy habits.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), 80% of strokes are preventable through healthy living practices. Start by eating a balanced diet, full of whole grains and leafy greens. Exercise for 150 minutes each week. If you’re a smoker, reach out for help with quitting – smoking is linked to many health issues, and stroke is one of them.
Know your risk.
Even with a healthy lifestyle, no one is completely safe from stroke. You may be at higher risk if you are over 65, have a family history of stroke, or have a preexisting condition such as hypertension or high cholesterol. This month, ask your primary care provider about your stroke risk, and make sure to learn your blood pressure and cholesterol numbers.
Prepare to BE FAST.
Do you know what a stroke looks like? Understanding the warning signs is vital – patients who get emergency care immediately tend to recover much more successfully. You can remember common stroke symptoms with the acronym BE FAST:
· Balance loss, confusion or dizziness
· Eyesight changes, such as blurry vision
· Facial drooping, especially on one side of the body
· Arm weakness, especially on one side of the body
· Speech difficulties, such as slurring or mumbling
· Time to call 9-1-1. Don’t wait to get treatment!
Even if these symptoms disappear quickly, the danger isn’t over. Every stroke can cause lasting damage, and every stroke patient should seek emergency care right away. If you think that you or a loved one has suffered a stroke, don’t hesitate to find help at an emergency room near you.
If your patient would like to speak to a provider about their risk for stroke, STRHS Pulaski can help. Call 800.424.DOCS or visit the “Find a Doctor” tab at to schedule an appointment today. In the event of a stroke-related emergency, call 9-1-1. Minutes matter, and acting quickly may save a life, including your own.